In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:6)
Living Faith Quartet is a southern gospel quartet based out of Cullman Al. The ministry was formed in 1996 and has progressed over the years to include ministry opportunities in all types of venues in several different states. Our focus is to bring an uplifting message in song and testimony to a people that needs to hear and know that God cares about their every need. Our goal is to see souls saved and lives changed.
The group consists of Rodney James(Lead), Nathan James(Baritone), Dustin Bearden (Tenor) and Mark Byrd(Bass). Living Faith is excited to see where God will lead them next!

Rodney James: I’ve been around gospel music since I was nine years old. Hearing my dad sing, I have always loved it but never thought I would be able to stand on stage in front of people and sing. After I was saved at the age of 22, I started singing solos at church around the age of 26 and was inspired by how God was using me to be a blessing to others. When I am not singing I am managing my Lawn Maintenance and Landscape Business. My wife Cathy and I have 3 children, Misty, Lee and Nathan and 5 grandchildren.

Nathan James: From the time I can remember I have been listening to my Dad and Granddad sing with Living Faith. I was saved at the age of 15, then around the age of 18 they finally convinced me to try singing. When I finally did, as shy as I am, I knew that would be my ministry in God’s time. When my granddad decided it was time for him to step aside from the group, I knew this was God’s timing. My wife Tiffany and I have 3 boys, Rhett, Rhenden and Ridge. I am employed as a route driver for Pepsi.

Dustin Bearden: God has blessed me with many more opportunities to sing his praises than I deserve. I was raised in church my whole life, but I never put together what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus until I was 19 years old and was truly saved. I started singing Gospel Music at the age of 19, and I have been a part of the music now for over 20 years. I owe thanks to so many people who have invested in my life, but the 2 biggest singing influences that shaped my sound and style are BT Thomas and Buddy Burton. Both gentlemen took the time to help mentor me in the minute details of music and singing. My time in gospel music has seen me sing with such groups as Steel City Revival, Alliance, The Florida Boys, the Blackwood Quartet, and others. I am married to Renee Bearden, my wife of over 16 years, and we have one son named Fletcher. When I am not singing or playing music, I can most likely be found in a bowling alley or attending whatever sport Fletcher is involved in at the time. I am employed by Radial Solutions Inc. in support of the NASA METTS contract as the Planning and Production Team Lead.

Mark Byrd: I was raised in church and was saved at the age of 13. At the age of 21, I was asked to sing in with a group of friends in the small country church that I attended. When God started opening doors for us to minister, I knew that God would use my effort to spread the good news in song. Since then I have sang with several different groups, I sang with Living Faith for several years shortly after they began, but I became really involved in my church and felt I needed to leave the group at that time. But in 2015 God opened the door for me to rejoin the group.
My wife Sandy and I have two sons, Perry and Rodney, who is married to Scarlett, along with our granddaughter, Ava Sue.. When I am not singing I am managing our farming operation that consists of poultry houses, cattle, corn, soybeans and wheat.